Monthly Archives: September 2012

[Split-Test] Email signups doubled AND bounces reduced at the same time – see how

I want to share some testing results with you. For a couple of weeks, I ran a split A/B/C/D test on this website. The goal was to see, if I could convert more visitors to email subscribers. “Which test won”… can you guess it? The results are quite interesting. Continue reading

Cinemagraph videos – new inbox trend? Here’s a quick way to create one for your newsletter

Powerful visuals “own”. They can be very effective in activating your subscribers emotionally, and they are much more easily processed than text. Thus, images usually catch the reader’s eyes first after opening an email. This is a completely natural and unconscious reaction – the brain consumes less energy compared to reading.

Only videos can exceed the power of pictures. However, as most email clients don’t like modern web technologies, it’s still a challenge to bring videos into the recipients’ inboxes. Converting them to animated gifs, which work most of the time (except for Outlook 2007/2010/2013), isn’t a perfect solution for several reasons. Cinemagraphs are a compromise between images and videos. Logically, they grow in popularity among email marketers. Continue reading

History of Spam [Fun Video]

In case you didn’t know: “What is Spam” – new episode on the Glove and Boots Blog … 😉 (Not as good as the Vertical Video Syndrome, but worth watching.)